Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Assistive Technology: Creating Possibilities

           Many parents give birth to kids who are different than others and have special talents, but need something or someone's help to enhance their gift. Thus, assistive technology was born. Those who created these devices to help the needs of special kids to reach their potential are a genius. There are many things assistive technology can do for children with disabilities.
           Mobility is very important, and there are electronic wheel chairs to help people who can't walk. This alone is very helpful. It helps them get to where they want to go without always relying on someone's help.
Students with disabilities, such as difficulty hearing, bad eye sight, or limited mobility of the hands, all have a hope. Hearing aids are amplification devices that enables the student to hear as normal as possible. For students with bad eye sights, the use of glare-reduction screens, screen magnifiers, and Braille note-taking devices to help them participate fully in the classrooms.
            Technology today is wonderful, and it gives everyone advantages in life. Computers, for example, can help a severely disabled student control their computers just by moving their eyes or they can install a voice recognition software to operate it.
             In the video, assistive technology brings a lot to the table for those who are disabled. For example, it gives them hope to live a normal life and not dwell on their disabilities. Without it, these people would feel as if they don't belong in this world. I believe that God created us with a purpose in life and for those who are unfortunate, they too have a challenge that they can face because of assistive technology.
              Overall, there are many assistive technology devices that are out there to help disabled students live and function easier. Parents need to know about this if their child is disabled. Seeing their child accomplish more of what they expect can be a wonderful feeling for them.

Related article:            


  1. I like your first link. It would be interesting to see how these products evolve over time or see what's new each year.

  2. I agree with you Ed with regards to assistive technology being able to give some sort of normalcy to the lives of disabled children. Every child should feel accepted and welcomed no matter what their differences are, whether it's the color of their skin, their religious beliefs, or even their disability. Assistive technology can help attain that for children with disabilities. Mobility would be a lot easier, communication almost effortless, and learning endless.
