Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"The Truth Behind Education"

During my childhood and adolescent years, my parents always talked about how my education had to come first. They believed that going to school was the right thing to do. I was curious to know why learning was so important. Today, there are many students who hate going to school. After reading the article about the history of education, it makes me think twice about what really matters. I agree that children can learn something by playing and exploring outside of a classroom. There are many different ways a child can obtain knowledge, such as how the hunter-gatherer families did back then. It’s very sad to hear about how children were treated as slaves in the labour market and were not allowed free education. We should take the time to appreciate and embrace how lucky we are to have experienced years of educational learning.

            In Robinson’s video, I want to highlight the part about how a school system is structured. I never noticed that a school and a factory had resemblance, because of segregated facilities for boys and girls, divided age-groups along with the school bell. Today, I think of school as being a ticket to the workforce and all about standardized testing. I did not enjoy doing SATs that often back in school. Assessments are not the only way to measure a student’s way of thinking.

            Richardson’s talk was the most interesting to me, because it opened my eyes to realize the truth behind education. There are some teachers who perform badly but are hard to get rid of, because of tenures. I do not think students deserve that kind of teaching. Online resources were also mentioned in this video and how they can serve as an aid. In the modern world, technology is growing to become the number one guide for everyone. Teachers from all around the world have to work effectively as a team in order to prepare their students solve real-life problems they would have to face in the years to come.

 Related article:


  1. Great post Crystal, my parents as well always talked to me about getting an education and the importance of it. I agree with you that some teachers are not fully teaching their students and this is a bad thing because then we, the students do not learn anything.

  2. Consider what Guam would look like if everyone had a Masters degree or a Phd? I mean everyone. How many doctors would we have? How many brilliant business people? Sound good? Now who's going to pick up your trash?

  3. Everything in life is balanced. There are good teachers and there are bad. There are students who will excel in a classroom and there are those who will fail. Students will not always agree on who was their est teacher in school. I guess what I am trying to say is that what works for one person may not work for another. There will always be those who favor the hunter-gatherer form of learning and there are those who prefer a very structured one.
