Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A New Way of Helping Each Other

Assistive technologies are amazing innovations of our time.  They assist those of us who are physically disabled but are still wanting to participate in activities that mostly normal body persons could do.  Some events that assistive technologies are used in are sports, cooking, mobility, and in the field of education.  An example of assistive technology in sports would be an event that was held at the Yorba Linda Country Club where many para plegics participated in a tennis tournament.  There participation in the event would not have been possible if not for their use of their wheelchairs which increases their mobility. 

Assistive technology is probably best used in the field of education to help students with physical and learning disorders.  I know of students at a local high school called Southern High School who have problems communicating because their disorders keep them from talking properly.  Assitive technology could help these students communicate better with their teachers and peers. Their is a device that allows students with communication disabilities to type in what they want to say on a keyboard and then a speaker attached to the keyboard says the word for the student.  This allows the student to have a normal conversation with his teachers and his peers, therefore breaking down the image that he or she cannot talk.

I was given this project by my teacher to find information on assistive technology and then send my findings to him via email.  When i searched through the internet I was astounded at how much information was avialable to me.  I found websites that had articles in it, about how successful assistive technology has been for blind kids, kids who can't walk, and kids with communication problems.  So far I am noticing too that teachers are coming up with thier very own ideas of how to help their students.  I saw a YouTube video of a teacher who has made and bought items at stores that have assisted her in teaching her students more effectively. 

The world of education is doing better from my point in helping their students with disabilities.  I have and uncle in his 50's who has a mental disorder, and I heard stories about how the teachers during his time would just give up on him and say that he was unteachable.  The mistakes of the past are definitely not being repeated in the present and wanna thank the many people who have made that possible.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. What most people need to realize is that technology can assist the learning of all students. It can transform education for disabled children but the opportunities are there for everyone.
