Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Reflection to Down The Rabbit Hole

After reading the posted article and watching the two YouTube videos, i have to say that it really opened my eyes to how the education system is faltering in this new era.  I was born in the year 1991 and during those times technology wasn't that big of a deal yet.  Yes, there was Internet but it was still super slow and finding information on it was not the normal thing to do.  My early years of school were still pretty interesting to me because learning was still fun and the amount of distractions around me didn't take my attention away from the lesson.  I remember in my elementary years I went to a public school named P.C. Lujan, and me and my classmates both girls and boys were always competing in the classroom as to who would provide the teacher with the correct answer to whatever question she asked.  We were like this because I remember my teacher would provide us with a candy prize if we got it right, or a pizza party on a Friday if the whole class  participated and this seemed to work for us.  When I got to middle school and high school things became a little bit different because then high speed Internet was introduced to us.  At that time i was attending a private school and I remember that's when I was first assigned to write a paper and my sources had to be from two books and from one Internet source.  The Internet source was a first for me because I had hardly used the Internet before, but when I looked information for my paper on the Internet i was amazed at how many things were available to me to use, "I thought to myself screw books and the library I can get all my sources right here and just look up a book title and put those down".  From that point on middle school and high school work was always based off of what i found on the Internet.  Even if I had a reading assignment on a play like MACBETH I would look for the summaries on the Internet and just read those.  Now while I am in college technology is even more accessible because of the invention of smart phones.  Sometimes while in class teachers will ask questions and if the students don't know the answer they'll ask someone to look up the answer on their smart phone which sounds really silly and funny to me.  All in all the the education system of today is starting to become irrelevant to our new world where information is no longer trapped in books.  So the man in the second YouTube video was right when he said that the education system doesn't need to better itself but it needs to change.  Because i have most of the answers in my smart phone. 

Justin Borja

1 comment:

  1. Besides gathering information, the Internet can be used as a tool to accomplish things that just aren't possible in the classroom. Using the information, interacting with it, and creating something new from it are all skills from the higher end of Bloom. "Rethink" is the keyword.
