Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Unleashing Assistive Technology

It is incredibly amazing how technology is there for you in any way that you need it. I think technology has entered a higher level with assistive technology for the disabled kids.  Assistive technology is technology used by individuals with disabilities in order to perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or impossible. Watching the YouTube video during our online class conference really opened my eyes to see the impact technology has in the world. To be able to provide for the special kids the kind of teaching method they need using technology is just really fascinating. The tools with the Assistive technology shows many improvements with the disabled kids, allowing them to develop different learning skills and to understand what is going on around them. There are so many different tools that can be used for assissting, from wheelchairs to computers to even ipads. We need these tools on island to help the special kids in school because they too thirst for knowledge and education. I do not know if any school or programs on island  are using assistive technology but if not then i really recommend it be use because i think it will really help brighten up a disabled child and give them a better understanding. 



  1. I agree with you that all schools on this island should have the type of assistive technologies that other students are able to use around the world. It will truly benefit the disabled students on Guam by making it easier for them to learn. However, I believe that the reason why assistive technology is not available island wide is because it will be a hassle to have all teachers learn how to use the different kinds of assistive technology instruments.

  2. Maria, you're absolutely right. Guam schools need more assistive technologies that'll accomodate children with every kind of special need. However, Guam ain't got the money:( Sad to say, but it's very true. We need to fix it ASAP. But what can we do, huh?

  3. Guam gets a ton of Federal money for teaching students with disabilities. DOE has to make sure they are accountable for how this money is used. Ask any special ed teacher how well this all works. They are very knowledgeable about what money they are entitled to.
