Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Reflection on, ' History of Education '

After reading Peter Gray article, it hit me hard that EDUCATION has indeed changed over the years.Do we all know  the true meaning of what is education? Until today I am still learning what it means to educate or to be educated. And I am very aware that technology has dominated in Education. During my childhood i learned so many ways, as gray mentions, playing has a big role in learning. I am surrounded with many kids because I have so many nephews and nieces. I observe them everyday and see that they learn each day while they are playing outside. how does Playing contributes to education? Playing is educational, it allows you to interact with others and develop communication skills.With my experience, during my childhood years, playing with my peers allowed me to be more out-spoken and creative. And know technology has given me more ways to be creative, especially with all the educational tools technology has set out, i can honestly say that life in the future will be easier than i imagined. This article was interesting to read and i really gathered insightful information on education and technology today.


  1. I like how you empahsized your opinion about how education is constantly changing over time. I agree with you. As future teachers, were going to have to change our styles of teaching as society changes.

  2. I agree playing is an essential part of life and it is/can be educational. It is interesting to know how education is constantly changing but yet our educational system has yet to rise to the occasion. Technology is available and we should take advantage of it.

  3. I agree! Playing is a big part in education too, but sadly today the world shut down on how children should learn education. They have to learn what they don't like to learn, and that shuts many students down, and eliminates their creativity. Hopefully technology can help education in a sense.

  4. Maria baby, you're absoluelty right. Education is always changing. The world is always changing. Hell, THINGS are always changing. It's just a matter of keeping up, you know. As far as children learning through playing, yes, that's a great way children gain their knowledge, but it's also very important that teachers come up with various exciting ways to keep the children interested INSIDE the classroom:)

  5. I'm always amazed when I meet multilingual people. I suffered through French lessons in school. (French - really?) What I have found almost always is that these people learned all the languages they speak when they were very young. They didn't learn it in the classroom - they learned it from their family.
