Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Where there's a WILL...there's a WAY*

Being born to a mother who only finished up to the 7th grade, education was actually an important topic she always use to stress, even until now. My parents constantly point out that having an education is merely the key to success. Because my mother grew up in Chuuk, education was not as important to her. However, the thing that was significant in her life was caring for her parents when they were ill and looking after her family’s farm. It wasn’t until my mother moved away from Chuuk and into Saipan and Guam where she realized how important education actually is. Therefore, because she lacked the guidance and resources relating to education when she was a child, she made it her goal to provide her children with what the importance of a successful life really is-EDUCATION.

On top of all of this, after reading the article written by Peter Gray, I would say that I somewhat agree about the fact that children learn through playing. However, not ALL things can be taught in such a way. Gray states that learning is hard work; it is something that children must be forced to do, not something that will happen naturally through children's self-chosen activities. In spite of this, I believe that in order to provide children with an enjoyable way of learning, where it is not all that forced upon, Educators must think outside the box. They must think of various encouraging ways they can teach children without feeling the need to force it on them.

On the other hand, after viewing the video on Changing Education Paradigms, I found some enticing facts that were pointed out. For example, the fact that children now are being overwhelmed with information they are getting from advertisements, media and so forth, which are causing them to lose focus on all that is going on in the classroom because they feel like it’s just BORING. This is another message pointed out to the Educators that it is important to keep learning in a classroom as exciting as possible.

Furthermore, with the advancement in technology, Richardson is absolutely right. Children now are using the internet as a way to discover what THEY want to know a lotfaster rather than waiting around to be taught. They are basically learning to teach themselves through the resources today’s society has to showers us with. In a nutshell, our world is ever changing. It’s just a matter of being able to keep up.



  1. We need to be careful as to what we define "education" to be. To be sure, our society has portrayed this in a certain light. A parallel theme to this is "success".
    Here's a video for you:

  2. Churita love, I love your post! And i totally agree with you on how you state that teachers should think out of the box. Not all students are the same, some learn with doing hands on activities while others learn by just visualizing. So as future teachers, i think this is what we need to keep in mind, to keep the classroom alive and have activities that will serve to the students needs or ways of learning. Once again, great post baby girl:)
