Thursday, March 1, 2012

Assistive Technology At Its Best

Because assistive technology is constantly growing in today’s society, those with special needs will not feel left out anymore. It amazes me how so much is available now than ever before for students, teachers and other individuals who have a disability. Since having a variety of technologies, it has helped open the doors for those with disabilities who are unable to demonstrate their ability to learn. Assistive technology has played a big role in the lives of those who have struggled with learning like their peers. They have, in fact, become dependents on such machinery to get them as far as those without a disability.

One particular assistive technology that I would like to elaborate more on is the ‘SuperTalker Progressive Communicator.’ It is a recorded speech communication device that can meet a range of developing communication needs and allows for multiple levels of recorded messages. It also has a choice of keyboard layouts and comes with a set of key guards. This device actually helped a six year old boy with Autism break his communication barrier by eliminating all the stress he was getting from pulling all the social interaction pieces together. In addition, the Super Talker allowed him to communicate and make choices in a way that was safe and predictable for him. This is just one device, out of countless devices, that has been a huge success in making learning for those with a disability less challenging and more enjoyable

Moving on, children with disabilities are very prevalent today more so than in the past. Or at least they are recognized as actual human beings with a disability and not just retards. They are more welcomed in our society now and not secluded like they once were. Therefore, it is important to remember that no matter who or what kind of child is out there; we must always accommodate their needs, especially because there is a vast number of assistive technologies available.

In sum, being able to offer children with special needs the same kind of materials that are being offered to those without a disability in a way they will be able to learn, is very delightful. I am extremely glad to see that people are continuing to push for what needs to be done in order to accommodate every kind of person, especially those in the education field. Lastly, the short video I watched about the six year old boy with Autism, that I mentioned earlier, is just one out of several inspiring successful stories because of the development of Assistive Technology.


  1. With assistive technology today, I believe anything is possible for these kids with disabilities. I also think they are even smarter than most normal people who act dumb. They should watch videos of these childrens so that they could learn a thing or two.

  2. I wonder if people with disabilities have more job opportunities now than 10 years ago. You'd think it has changed a lot.

    1. Mr. Petra, those with disabilities actually DO have more job opportunities now than they did a decade ago...Things have changed:)
