Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Dr. Helen Barrett
        Classroom 2.0 offers a lot of webinars on different interesting topics that are very helpful to future educators.  One specific webinar that I listened to for an hour was about e-Portfolios. Dr. Helen Barrett was the guest speaker, and her topic was called Interactive ePortfolios. I chose this topic because I know that it is important to have an idea about ePortfolios, especially because it's required for future educators to have it now. There are two types of online portfolio. The first one is an electronic documentation for learning which is called the working portfolio. She explains that, the working portfolio allows learners to document their growth over time. This shows you, if you have progressed over time with your work. Another electronic portfolio Dr. Barrett explains is the presentation portfolio. This portfolio includes goals or standards where future educators organize the results of their learning process. This portfolio is basically for career development, employment, achievement of course outcomes, achievement of specific standards, etc. She explains that you need both for the learning process and the outcome.
         I really liked Dr. Barrett's presentation because it prepared me for the upcoming assignment on e-Portfolios. Now I have a better understanding of why we need to create them as future educators. It is a portfolio that not only stores evidence, but it's a reflection of a student's personal development.
         These online webinars on classroom2.0 are really helpful to educators because I personally think that it is convenient for us, because we don't have to go anywhere to listen to these important people present. All we need is a laptop and internet to gain knowledge on many interesting topics that will definitely help us grow as future educators. I think that webinars also helps us save money because we don't have to go off-island to listen in on workshops or any other reasons for that matter. We just simply go on-line and attend to the presentations in the comfort of our homes. It's amazing how technology has made it easy for us to get connected whether it be educational or just to talk to friends from across the globe.



  1. Good topic especially if you're planning or are already accepted into SOE. These days everything is becoming so technologically based that having tools to help you develop these e-portfolios and personalize it somehow is perfect. It interesting how you mentioned webinars and the power it gives us because it is a great asset especially for us future educators :)

  2. Reading your post makes think, hmm I should have watched a webinar about this topic too. It could really help me with the upcoming assignment.

  3. Yes, if we need to learn anything about education we can simply visit this website and listen to these educators and learn without meeting them in person.

  4. This e-portfolio really is a great way to keep a student organized. And I agree with meltai...I should probably view this video before I actually start on our FINAL assignment.

  5. Perfect timing. Remember that this is something that students can do as well as teachers. I think e-portfolios will be a standard in the future for students and can even be used in applying for colleges. This also gives you a different perspective of how LiveBinders can be used.
