Friday, April 27, 2012

SimpleK 12 Webinar

Attending the 30 minute live SimpleK 12 webinar was a great and new experience for me. I learned so many things But especially listening to Mr. Petra topic for the night which was Google Earth. I know previous in the first days of school, you had mention all the things about google and what it has to offer but since the focus was on google earth, i got a better understanding of what Google earth can provide, especially in relations with education. With all the information being said, I agree that google earth is a great tool for teachers or educators in teaching students because its allowing the students to enter into a world of techology and it challenges them, expanding their intelligence in technology and education. When I first started elementary, textbooks were always the main learning resource and til today some teachers still use textbooks. But I think with all these educational technology tools, the textbooks might no longer be around. overall, the webinar was a great learning experinence for me, listening to how much the ladies have contributed to keep simpleK 12 a success really shows education is important. Sources: Webinars / textbook and technology


  1. When I first find out about Google Earth, I did not think it was that important and useful. But as Mr. Petra explained the significance of it, I gained more insight of the many different functions and benefits that can be helpful for me as a future educator.

    Good Post!

  2. I agree with you Crystal! At first glance, I didn't think much of Google Earth but after viewing the webinar presented by Mr. Petra, I learned quite a bit about it and the many uses for it. It was very interesting!

  3. I don't mean to burn books, but the point is that there is so much available if you have an Internet connection or the right application. Lots of teachers and parents today don't know any other way than books. Prepare to meet some resistance when you get into the schools. The kids will know better and that's hard for some adults to swallow.
