Thursday, May 3, 2012

Cellphones in Education

         They are known for their disruptive ringing in the classroom. They are known as that small device for text messaging and surfing the internet. Basically, they are known as that main idea that pops up in a student’s mind. So, what exactly are they? “They” are cellphones. It’s a powerful tool that can be used for many purposes. Sure, cellphones may be a disruptive device in a classroom. However, I believe that if these tools are used properly, they can work wonders and be useful in the educational system. According to the webinar on cellphone devices, many educators are advocates for these tools. These teachers brought up useful purposes for cellphones in and out of their classroom.
          Within the classroom setting, one teacher found his cellphone useful in taking educational pictures. What this teacher had done was that he took a picture of a historical item outside the classroom using his cellphone camera. He was then able to incorporate the picture into his lesson plan.  I’m sure that this action made his lesson more interesting for the students, especially knowing how the students enjoy the presence of cellphone devices around them.
          Besides the previous teacher having his phone to be used in the classroom, another teacher allowed his students to use their devices as well. However, before they could use their cellphones, the teacher first sent out parent permission slips regarding the usage of cellphones in the classroom. Once he got that out of the way, the teacher allowed his students to use their cameras to take pictures of his notes on the board and had chances to send them to students who weren’t present during that class time. Just like these students, I have also been taking pictures of board notes from professors here at the University of Guam. I was also able to send them to classmates who weren’t able to get all the notes down. Until now, I would say that using the camera on my phone is still very useful in taking educational pictures, especially in the classrooms where teachers will write and erase like there’s no tomorrow.
          Other than having cellphones used among students and teachers solely, they can also be used as a good tool for parents and teachers to communicate with. For example, if there are newsletters or concerns from the school or teachers to be sent out, parents can receive them through text messages or online using their cellphones devices. This is an excellent way for the school to save the trees and money. On top of that, teachers can also communicate with the principal, staff, and other teachers as well.
          Overall, I believe that the usage of cellphone devices can serve as useful purposes in the educational system. Teachers can use them professionally among their students. Students can use them educationally, even to connect with other students. Also, teachers can use their cellphones to communicate with parents and the staff about educational concerns.
          Although I believe in the growth of technology, I am still concerned for the students and families who are in poverty. The usage of cellphone devices will be a struggle reaching out to this population because of that reason. Therefore, I would see cellphones as not being part of the top priority on my list. Cellphones in my opinion are a just a necessity and if education was able to survive without cellphones back in the days then we can still survive without them today.  

Related Articles: 

Cellphone Technology a Serious Classroom Distraction, Says Professor

Cellphones in the Classroom: Learning Tools for the 21st Century


  1. I noticed your first reference link is an article from 2007. Just goes to show you how some attitudes can change.

  2. I like how you wrote in the end, that although we have found many great uses of cellphones, we could still live without them. Which is true.

    I use my cellphone too all the time. It has become my phone, camera, calculator, etc...
