Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Take Out Your Phones and Let's Learn!

The webinar that i attended on SimpleK12 talked about incorporating cellphones into the classroom.  At first, I said "This will never work because students will be taking their phones out during class and texting one another and not paying attention to the teacher". Then the presenter talked about this idea where the teacher is the only one who will have a cellphone in the classroom.  With that cellphone the teacher can then show the class images from there phone, like charts and educational short films.  I thought this was a very cool idea because it eliminates the distraction of everyone having a cellphone in class.  With my iphone i am able to look on Youtube and find videos that show me how to solve math equations and find other information pertaining to school subjects, so i saw the benefit of having it in classrooms.  Also the pratical use of cellphones was brought up during the webinar.  With a cellphone you can send messages to students who have missed class and inform them of what work that have missed during class.  This helps students to not miss any assignments and not have the excuse of saying they didn't know they had that work, which is the statement that teachers hear all the time when dealing with absent students.  The one downfall that i see with incorporating cellphones into the classroom, is that smartphones are needed to do most of the things that the presenter brought up in the Webinar. Their are some students who cannot afford smartphones because their parents probably don't make enought.  All in all though i thought this webinar presentation brought up many valid points about allowing cellphones into the classroom environment because i personally benefit from having one.  I found this one website that has a wealth of information about cellphone use in different school districts so i hope it adds to your knowledge of cellphones in the classroom.  Teach Digital: Curriculum by Wes Fryer


  1. I think that would be a great idea, but I don't think it can be as effective as power point slides. Like you said, not everyone can afford smartphones. I agree that having a smart phone makes it a lot easier because you can do almost everything on a smart phone that you can do on a laptop.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Its ironic how we have the same topic on phones being implemented in the classroom. I don't know if we watched the same one, but mine is mostly similar to yours. I also think that the downfall is the affordabililty with the smartphones, especially now and these days. Not all students can have access to them, but who knows? Some teachers might provide funding.... if they're that nice.

  3. I agree with Edwardson, this lesson would only be meant for students who can afford high tech phones, specifically smartphones. But if this lesson was possible, it would be very cool. (=

  4. Just having a phone with a camera can provide a lot of possibilities. This idea started before smart phones. You can find lessons that incorporate texting alone.
    Think of Crystal and Maria's flipped lesson on plants. Their activity had students observing plants around the school the next day. Students bring their cell phones > take pictures of plants > build a presentation.
