Wednesday, February 1, 2012

ED271 Reflection

       Education is learning the steps to success for a better future. It starts at home where parents and family teach the value of life.Schools then play an important role in education to help students learn and understand the importance of what is happening today.
       In the article, The brief History of Education is very different today because of technology and all the expectations our parents have for us.  Many things change from generation to generation and i believe that we have progress from hunting and gathering to having the power to be whatever we can be to become successful. The importance of education has changed because we have more resources today.
       In Sir Ken Robinson's video, one particular point he explained that stood out to me is the debate of ADHD. For those with the symptoms, people shouldn't give kids drugs like Ritalin tablets to help them. They should find alternative ways to use this symptom so that there is no need for the drug later on in the future. This type of drug is highly addictive and can affect an individuals health. I don't think it's normal to be taking drugs like this because it only affects the way the child lives his or her life.
        With technology today, we have the access to learn when we want to. Test scores on the other hand don't make schools better. It's the teachers and resources that prepares us for the future which makes the schools better. In Will Richardson's video, he believes in teachers helping students find their passion and support their passion, so that they can be prepared for life. We shouldn't change our education just for better test scores, but we should find ways to better our education for a bright future.


  1. As as a student with a continuous education background, I can agree with the fact that resources have flourished in the educational environment. We have computers that prevent us from strained periods of writing. Computers to think for us with endless opportunities of information. On top of that, technology in general helps save time. And it make learning much easier and faster. However, I believe that teachers still play an important roll in students lives. They inspire and prepare to students for the real world.

  2. Yes, I totally agree that learning begins at home and today learning happens just about anywhere. But I think if we take advantage of technology, it will be the key to bridging the gaps between the classroom and the problems we are facing in the outside world. First and foremost, we should stop looking at bettering test scores and begin looking at helping our students discover their passion and nurture it which would help them become happy, productive members of our society.

  3. The common phrase is if a teacher can be replaced by a computer, then they should. Computers can dispense information and even customize it more easily to each student. The role of the teacher is changing from the dispenser of information to the one who guides the learner on the journey. This is what computers can't do. Your lesson material doesn't have come from one textbook anymore.
